Kırkgöz Bridge
  • General Directorate of Highways

  • TEAM
  • Architectural Conservation:

    Umut Bilgiç, Serkan Songur, Merve Çolak Gözener, M. Çınar Ünal, Zeynep Akgül, Tuğba Varlı, Oğuz Bostancı, A. Yasin Eginligil


    Structural – OPTENG Engineering

    Geological – Tuğrul Kutluer

    Geotechnical – Güliz Ünlü

    Building Material Analysis:

    Doç Dr. Ali Akın Akyol [Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University]

The Historical Kırkgöz Bridge, located in the Bolvadin district of Afyon province, was built on an old bed of the Akarçay River. The bridge extending in the north-south direction is 420 m. in length, 4.52 m. wide and has 57 arches. The three different arch types observed in the bridge indicate three different construction/repair periods: Byzantine, Anatolian Seljuk and Ottoman. There are many spolia materials on the spandrel walls, the majority of which are grave steles. The remains of an ancient road with a length of 1917 m. in the south of the bridge and the Kırgöz Bridge, which provides the continuity of this road on the Develi Stream in the south, are also included in the project. These three structures are part of the military road, also known as the “Diagonal Road” starting from Singidunum (Belgrade) and ending in Antiochea (Antakya). So, the continuity of their physical existence and the conservation of the original characteristics are of high importance due to the historical document nature of the structures.


The project covers Documentation – Problem Analysis, Soil Investigation, Material Analysis, Historical Research – Restitution, Intervention Decisions – Restoration, Civil Engineering and Landscaping projects.


Aerial Photo

Site Plan


Documentation and Problem Analysis

Restitution Analysis Study

General View of the Bridge