Ancient Theatre of Antiphellos
  • Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Antalya Directorate of Surveying and Monuments

  • TEAM
  • Architectural Conservation:

    Umut Bilgiç, Serkan Songur, Cumhur Gürel [Cumhur Gürel Architecture]

  • Building Material Analysis and Conservation:

    Prof. Dr. Bekir Eskici, Doç. Dr. Ali Akın Akyol [Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University]

    Archeology and Art History:

    Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şevket Aktaş [Akdeniz University], Tekin Süllü


    Structural – Prof. Dr. Uğurhan Akyüz [Middle East Technical University]

The Ancient Theatre  of Kaş (Antiphellos) is located at the urban and the archaeological site of Kaş, Antalya. The building was constructed in the Hellenistic Period and restored in the 2nd century A.C. Antiphellos, one of the ancient theater structures without a stage, is one of the important works of the Lycian Civilization.

Within the scope of the project, the restitution study was carried out by documenting the original architectural blocks in and around the building. The restoration proposal includes the restoration of partially or completely destroyed cavea elements and analemma walls using imitation technique.


Ancient Theatre of Antiphellos

Site Plan



Ancient Theatre of Antiphellos

Ancient Theatre of Antiphellos